Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lazy genealogy, by Google.

Alice Smith Done
I can't get over how the Internet was made for genealogy. Things fall on you even when you're not looking. Years ago I posted on my other blog about one of my ancestors and in passing mentioned his daughter, Alice Smith Done, by her full name, and noted that she was a prominent midwife in the Utah Territory. Then, awhile back, someone did a Google search on her name and found my blog. She sent me this email:

Marie,   Enjoyed your history. I wanted most to learn of Alice Smith Done, since I'm compiling what I can find about MY ancestors. Alice was the midwife who attended my grandmother when my mother and her twin brother were born in Smithfield, Utah, March 19, 1892. Always fervent praise for the woman Alice.

It just fell out of the sky, this lovely little remembrance of my great-great-great grandmother. Anyone who says the Internet is boring--this repository of all human knowledge, this vast effortless reunion of long divided kindred and kindred my mother says: if you think it's boring, it may be that you are a boring person. (Or you've simply forgotten that the Internet is far more than cat videos and goofy animated emoticons. It's easy to forget--but don't forget!)

And a reminder to genealogists: never waste a chance to get yourself in Google search results. State ancestors' full names, and other identifying information as appropriate, whenever you write about them online. Then just sit back and wait for your new friends to appear. The Google gods are good.
